
AID Be Enduring Penis Delay Cream is a delayer with a refreshing effect based on a unique formula that can help hold off orgasm for a bit longer.

AID Be Steady Penis Delay Spray is a great help in preventing premature ejaculation, thus providing more confidence for man that might be concerned about this issue.

Unlike any other delay gel on the market, Bathmate control is made completely from natural ingredients. Not only that, it can be applied a long time before any sexual intimacy, meaning you can be confident of being in full control when you most need it.

Big Boy Golden Delay Gel has a slightly cooling effect than acts on the most sensitive parts of the penis, helping to delay the male orgasm.

Black Stone Spray is a delayer created to help prevent premature ejaculation. Being in spray form is practical an easy to use.

Bull Power Clove Delay Spray helps prevent premature ejaculation thanks to the addition of clove oil and its cooling effect.

Bull Power Delay Wipes are great news for the more than 60 percent of men that face problems like premature ejaculation. With a mild cooling effect, is very easy and practical to use.

Cobeco Centaur Delay Spray was specially developed for long lasting sexual pleasure thanks to its cool and refreshing effect that helps prevent premature ejaculation.

Cobeco Clove Delay Gel has a cooling effect that works on the most sensitive parts of the penis. It works as a delayer, helping prevent premature ejaculation.

Cobeco Delay Cream Performance Endurance is a refreshing cream based on a formula created to help delay the male orgasm and prevent premature ejaculation.

The cooling effect provided by the Cobeco Wild Stud Delay Spray results in longer sex sessions and more pleasure.

CORRIGE CREAM helps the over-excited man to withhold premature ejaculation and experience an orgasm at the same time as his partner.

Male Cobeco Delay Spray helps achieve more control and enjoy more long-lasting and stress-free pleasure.

Male Cobeco Delay Spray Cooling has a cooling effect which helps to delay the male orgasm, preventing premature ejaculation.

Most delayers have a cooling effect. However, this Male Cobeco Delay Spray warms up the area while also acting as a orgasm retardant.

Orgasmus-Stopper, 20 ml cream - for men. Delays male orgasm. Love cream for external application. ORGASM STOPPER delays the male climax. For the man who wants to control his ejaculation and really satisfy his partner.

Penis Dragees Kraft is a food supplement that vitamin - the plant may increase sexual potency, libido, and prolong an erection...

Penis-Marathon®, 12g spray - for men. Special spray for prolonged sexual intercourse by reducing the intensity of stimulation of the top nerves in the penis.

3 capsules intake per day over a longer period can increase physical power. One box with 40 capsules.

PJUR MED PROLONG with tannic acid, derived from oak bark, has a constricting effect, and in combination with the desensitizing Panthenol helps prevent premature ejaculation.

PJUR SUPER HERO SERUM: reduces the sensitivity, but not the sensations. The gel forms an invisible protective film around the penis and thus reduces the sensitivity without numbing effect. 

PJUR SUPERHERO is a delay spray specially formulated to extend the man pleasure, delaying ejaculation.

PJUR SUPERHERO is a delay spray specially formulated to extend the man pleasure, delaying ejaculation.

In the Love play, some men are always faster than their partners… So, to avoid this inconvenience Retard’907 is to be atomized...

An exclusive penis cream who want to keep the stiffness of their penis for longer. Exclusive ingredients in this cream reduce the sensitivity of the penis thus increasing the duration of the erection. Simply apply to penis gland before sex.

This refreshing massage cream can help reduce sensations and prolong the pleasure.

This cream is recommended to reduce the sensation in your penis. With the power of refreshing it will make your pleasure last longer. Your nights will be extended and your pleasure will be intensified

Showing 1 - 30 of 30 items